제시지현 Jessie Jihyun

개도 고양이도 아닌 개양이. 힐링 관점 기록자.

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Instagram : @jessie_jihyun_lee


(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, The Dream for Coexistence 공생을위한꿈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2023, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, The Dream for Coexistence 공생을위한꿈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2023, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, Chasing Coexistence 공생을쫒아서, 72.7cm x 90.9cm, 2023, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, Chasing Coexistence 공생을쫒아서, 72.7cm x 90.9cm, 2023, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, 첩첩산중,몽상The layered mountains and Day dreaming 1-4, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, 첩첩산중,몽상The layered mountains and Day dreaming 1-4, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, 첩첩산중,몽상The layered mountains and Day dreaming 1-4, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee, 첩첩산중,몽상The layered mountains and Day dreaming 1-4, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , The dream to dance in the storm태풍속에서춤추는꿈, 91.0cm x116.8cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , The dream to dance in the storm태풍속에서춤추는꿈, 91.0cm x116.8cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
이지현, 숨고르기(catching my breath), 116.8cm x91.0cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
이지현, 숨고르기(catching my breath), 116.8cm x91.0cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , 태풍의눈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , 태풍의눈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , 태풍의눈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie) Jihyun Lee , 태풍의눈, 90.9cm x72.7cm, 2022, acrylic on canvas
(Jessie)Jihyun Lee, 태풍의눈series1-42, digital print, 297mm x 297mm, 2021
(Jessie)Jihyun Lee, 태풍의눈series1-42, digital print, 297mm x 297mm, 2021
(Jessie)Jihyun Lee, 태풍의눈 series1-42, digital print, 297mm x 297mm, 2021
(Jessie)Jihyun Lee, 태풍의눈 series1-42, digital print, 297mm x 297mm, 2021

상호. 엠엘엠프로젝트

사업자번호. 519-26-00936

통신판매업 신고번호. 2021-대전서구-1518호

대표자. 고민석

서울 강남구 압구정로46길 5-12 4층

대전 유성구 대덕대로480, 첨단과학관 남관 2층


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